here we go...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:26 PM
So as of today, I am oficially in FINALS MODE..

That means that the rest of my life needs to basically go down to ZERO. Everyone needs to leave me alone, and let me study. Yes, i hate to be this selfish, but its finals and i have no choice but to do well. I mean, this is it.


and let me explain why us law kids stress out and turn into evil people. Unlike the rest of Grad students, we aren't graded on anything else but ONE FINAL EXAM. That's it. We don't get midterms, or papers, or anything else. It is one GINORMOUS question that we must solve. Its a pain in my ass annd an amazing amount of stress. We wither sink or swim. And I can't afford to sink. Maybe I can float..

I know this material, I just need to get it done. But I am hoping that my stress doesn't get the best of me. Oh yeah, and today was a pretty craptapulous day, so I hope this is my last CRAP day.

My first final will be next Thursday. AY YA YAY...


my head hurts

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 12:48 AM
I have a cold, and i seem to be recovering already, but lately i have had the WORSE headaches of my life.. its as if my brain is slamming itself back and forth, and perhaps it might be. All this studying and outlining makes me sleepy and tired, and I hate it, and my head just hurts. ;(

Last week was rough, but I hope to have a good week this week. I plan to get my outlining done by Friday so I can start hypos on Sunday.

But seriously, my brain is on fire i think, maybe i am thinking too hard? Or not hard enough? ehhh i don't know. I do know that I am starting to feel the stress upon my shoulders...

ay dios.. liberame pronto de este stress!

Rocked it! ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 11:41 PM

My partner and I TOTALLY rocked our oral argument! We did so fantastic!! I mean seriously gente, we rocked it!! :) The poor opposing council got creamed by the judges and I was giggling inside.

But it was a beautiful day! It really was because I wasn't nervous and because I felt so prepared and I got kudos from the judges for having a great argument and a very tight argument. :) Which made me feel wonderful because that is a much bigger step than from where I was last semester.

I just feel like lately I have been getting good signs from everything. The conference, oral argument, my professors, etc!! It just rocks! :)

I really need to ge my outlines finished... :( Seriously, THIS WEEKEND, they will be done!

YEAY FOR ME! :) I am very proud of myself. :)

Getting ready for Oral Argument

Sunday, April 15, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 9:11 PM
So tomorrow at 11am, i will be presenting an oral argument at the Byron White court house of appeals! :| eek!

I feel good, but incredibly nervous, and I can't figure out why! i know my case forward and backward, and I know my facts. so... why am I a nervous wreck?

I dunno, I think i am ready for this to be done, because i am so tired of this class, and I need to get on to prepare for my finals! :)

This is my last week of full classes, and then we head straight into finals!!! :)

So, wish me luck, light a candle, say a prayer... :) woo hoo!! :)


Renewed!!! :) and it feels soooo good!

Saturday, April 14, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 6:49 PM
I just returned from the National Lawyers Guild Regional Convention and I absolutely la la la la la la LOVED it! :)

I think for the first time, I have found the perfect balance of activism and a legal degree! :)

When we came into school, they engrain is us that we SHOULDN'T get involved too much or do anything but eat, breathe, study, shit, law school! That's it! So i listened to them and decided to stick my heads in the books and just study. But as you know, I was miserable! I HATED IT! I felt out of place, out of balance, and out of love! :(

So, recently, I have 2 amazing professors who have been guiding me and I got involved with the National Lawyers Guild at School. I had heard about them last semester from Hans, aka the immigration GOD, BUT i ignored it because i was listening to the orientation "advice".

So I helped organize this conference (i played a minor role), but it was SO FUN and simply amazing! The attorneys who defended the Black panthers, PLyer v. Doe were there!!! It was amazing!!! They were all activists and they were ALL attorneys!!! Who would've thought???

i just feel so hyped!!! i feel that this is what i needed to go confidenlty into my finals, and its that extra push that I need to succeed. i can't describe how i felt today, i mean the attorneys didn't even have to talk today, and i was inspired! just being in their presence was phenomenal!!!

in conclusion.. its amazing, i feel like its all coming together and this is where i want to be. :)

Watch out world... :)

Resisting the Politics of Fear: National Lawyers Guild SW Regional Conference!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 11:57 PM
I am very honored to have helped in this endeavor! :)

There is a great conference at the DU Law School on Saturday with amazing speakers and presenters! Here are some of the topics and presenters! :)
Free for students at Activists!!!

Registration: 8am! :)

Panel I: Standing Up for Immigrant Rights
9:00-11:00am in Room 165
Come learn about the current legal battles, and how you can also be an advocate forthe immigrant community!

Presentation by the Pinion Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition
11:00-11:30am in Room 165

Sandy Karp: Organizing to Represent Service People

11:30 to Noon in Room 165

Lunch Break: Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation: Harassment and Oppression of Muslim Americans Since 9/11
Catered by El Centro Humanitario

Noon to 1:00 in the DU Law Forum

Panel II: The GITMO-ization of America: How Guantanamo Bay oppressive Politics are inflitritating into mainstream society.
1:00 to 2:45 in Room 165

Panel III: Defending Dissent
3:00 to 5:00 in Room 165

Keynote Reception with Refreshments
5:00 to 6:00 in the DU Law Forum

Keynote Presentation: What is the Constitutional Imperative: Keeping State Secrets or Preserving Separation of Powers?”
6:00 to 7:30 in Room 165

Michael Avery is a professor of law at Suffolk University and the former President of the National Lawyers’ Guild

Francisco "Kiko" Martinez was born in Alamosa, Colorado. During his early years as an attorney, Kiko often represented and counseled Chicano inmates at the Colorado State Penitentiary at Cañon City, and members of the United Mexican American Students Chicano organization at the University of Colorado. Martinez also took an interest and supported the activities of the Crusade for Justice, a Chicano social justice organization founded by Rodolfo "Corky" González in Denver, Colorado. Kiko provided legal counsel to various members of the organization, and defended numerous individuals charged with crimes in Colorado and New Mexico. While active in La Raza Legal Association and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund in 1972, Martínez served as legal adviser to the family of Ricardo Falcón. A Chicano community organizer, Falcón was murdered while traveling in Southern New Mexico. Martínez also served as counsel for individuals at the Tonantzin School in Santa Fe, New Mexico, which underwent police surveillance, infiltration, and criminal prosecution of its leadership.

Due to his Chicano and leftist political views often expressed through his legal and community work throughout the early 1970s, Martínez became a target of law enforcement and F.B.I. surveillance. In 1973 Martínez was indicted in Colorado accused of mailing three package bombs in Denver. None of the bombs that Martínez allegedly mailed exploded since law enforcement officials arrived just before they went off. Police concurrent with intense media scrutiny in Colorado issued a “shoot to kill” warrant. His law license was subsequently suspended. The Denver Post and the federal government offered a reward of up to $3, 000 for information leading to Martínez's arrest. Fearing for his life, Kiko left the country and went into hiding in Mexico for seven years. He attempted to return to the U.S. in 1980 and was taken into custody at a Border Patrol checkpoint in Nogales, Arizona.

During the 1980s, Martínez stood trial for numerous state and federal charges brought against him pertaining to the 1973 alleged bombing incidents in Colorado and the 1980 attempted Arizona border crossing. Many of the charges were dropped for insufficient evidence and the fact that police "lost" critical evidence. In other cases, trial juries acquitted him of charges. Martínez’ defense fought hard for and received separate trials for each of the mail bomb charges. After he was exonerated, Martínez was reinstated to the bar. He continues to live and practice law in Alamosa, Colorado, where he remains involved in community and social activism.

Kenneth Padilla is a longtime National Lawyers Guild attorney. His Denver trial practice specializes in criminal defense and civil rights litigation, with an emphasis on representing victims of police abuse and voting rights. He currently represents the family of Frank Lobato, a Denver citizen slain by police while he slept in his bed.

Mr. Padilla has been a People's Lawyer in every sense of the word. He was active in the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund and the Crusade for Justice in the 1970s. He has participated in numerous well-publicized and significant criminal and civil trial and appellate litigation, resulting in eleven reported state cases and nine decisions reported in the federal courts. He has participated in landmark litigation in employment discrimination cases against the Denver Police and Fire Department. He has been legal counsel for the coalition against the English Only Initiative and was recently honored by the CHBA as a Pioneer in the Hispanic legal community. In the late 1990s, he represented activists with Jobs With Justice and SEIU's Justice for Janitors campaign. Mr. Padilla is the father of three children and he is very proud of teaching his children to be proud of their Chicano heritage.

Kim Baker Medina received her law degree from UC Berkeley in 1989 and is currently in private practice in Fort Collins, Colorado as an immigration attorney. Kim is active in immigrant rights as an organizer and activist in Northern Colorado, mostly through Fuerza Latina, a local immigrant rights group that Kim started along with a group of undocumented parents in February of 2003.

Paul Hughes is a 2L at the Yale Law School. As a member of Yale's Worker's and Immigrants' Rights Advocacy Clinic, he represents twelve Guatemalan laborers in a lawsuit against their former employer. The lawsuit accuses a Connecticut nursery and its foreign labor contractor of forced labor, human trafficking, and wage violations. In addition, Paul founded the Yale Human Trafficking Litigation Project, which pursues civil litigation on behalf of immigrant survivors of human trafficking. He is also a student director of the Yale Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic. Paul also works with the D.C. law firm of Baach, Robinson, & Lewis in their pro bono representation of former Guantanamo Bay detainees who have brought a civil suit over their detention.

oy- only 16 more day!

Monday, April 9, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 12:45 AM
i know its been awhile, so I apologize but its been a hectic week!
My Brief is due tomorrow which means I am done with LP!!! WOOO HOO! (LP=Lawyering Process= boring hell)

I got it done on Friday so my partner and I could review it, and i am just proud that i am not up stressing about it! :) fantastic!

Now if i could just finish my outlines, that would be great. For most of you, you're probably wondering what an outline is.. well you see... in law school, we only get one exam at the end of the semester and that is it! only one exam will determine our grade... ;( sad right?

So us law nerds have to outline our courses so that we have clear and concise notes (checklists) for all of our courses. :)

Anyways, school is almost done, I am ready to be out and rest for a little bit before the summer job starts!

Oh, by the way, this week, one of my professors exclaimed in class that last year 3500 people applied to DU Law and out of those folks only 362 got accepted.. and out of those only 5 are Latino.. JUST KIDDING! But really, its more like maybe 7 are Latinos! LOL ..... My point is this: i am SO fortunate to be where I am today in that stupid school, because i could've been one of those 3500 people that got denied. but i am here and i am loving it. :) now i hope that i can love my finals as much because i only have about 20 days to prepare before the first one... :( EEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!


Ok.. where to begin?

Friday, March 30, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 12:04 AM
HI Folks..

Well let me start off by presenting the timeline that has lead me to where I am today!

I am a first year law student at DU Law, and I have to say that now i enjoy it. Last semester was sheer and absolute hell. The material was difficult, i have read more in the past couple months than i ever had in my whole entire life, my life consists of waking up, going to school, eating, homework, reading, notes, sleeping and that's about it.

I am forced to ignore my AMAZING friends & family because I am usually in class or in the school, and that sucks! But oh well..

Last semster was very stressful and to be honest I HATED LAW SCHOOL! I thought that i had made a serious mistake because i couldn't focus, i didn't care for anyone in my class, and i couldn't care for the material or reading or anything else that had to do with school! And by the time i realized that i did care, it was a bit too late....

i remember it was December 12th and i was in a bad mood because we were getting ready for finals! it was the same day as the immigration raids in Greeley and i felt like crap because i was in "school" and not out being angry in the community or raising hell..

The next day, while i was in the library, i saw the front page of the post and saw all the horrific pictures of immigrantes being shackled and chained and then pushed into buses and i broke out in tears. I don't know if it was the stress from school or if it was my anger or a little bit of both, but at that moment, i realized that MY being in law school was much bigger than my selfish reasons for not wanting to be there.

I became incredibly upset with myself because here i am, a latina in law school and i am complaining because I don't want to be here! After all my family had worked for, i was willing to let it go that easily?? C'mon.. i pulled myself together as fast as i could, and i busted my ass to do the best that i could possibly do on my finals!

So, i did "ok" not great, and here I am again.. round 2! After i received my grades, i did alot of soul searching and realized that i had to actually put for the effort in order to get the grades.. (what a concept right?) but believe me, when you are in the moment, it doesn't really hit you until much later.

This semester, I love most of my classes, i am having a hard time in one specifically, because I don't care for it, but I am trying. I love my constitutional law and property class, and have found that I am quite good at both.

I must explain that for me in law school, there are either good days, bad days or just another day. Usually nothing falls in the middle, and when they are bad, they are VERY bad... imagine getting slapped around and spit on then dragged around by the hair. That is a law school bad day. Trust me.

So here I am, law school seems to be the abusive boyfriend that none of us can leave because we have the Battered Women Syndrome. They may beat the holy hell out of us, but for some odd reason I keep coming back and I love it. ;)

Buenas noches...

Oooh the joys of lawschool!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 5:32 PM
I have decided to create this blog in order to record the rest of my semester as I go through this ridiculous transition called first year law school!! :) This is also to help me vent out some of my frustrations of law school. So perhaps you will like my stories but perhaps you don't care, and that is fine wth me too, because really, I am doing this for me and not really for you. LOL

So sitback and enjoy the emotional ride.. :)


Welcome! Why this blog?

Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 8:10 PM
I've created this blog to chronicle the struggles that young professional latinas face in this country. Don't get me wrong, this is a great country, but culturally, economically, and historically, we are faced with struggles that sometimes others do not have to face or encounter. This isn't just a "sob" blog think of it as the Latina Sexo in the City. :) It will also chronicle the funny things that happen to me and my friends who are all up and coming young Latina professionals.

Our issues and stories aren't only for Latinas. It happens in other communities. I personally am a third year law student in Denver, and getting ready to graduate is a daunting task, especially in this economy. Across the nation, Latinas only make up 1.3% of the legal profession. In 2005 the Latino population was at 296 million. Our numbers are dramatically disproportionate and it makes me sad and upset.

As Latinos in higher education, some of us, carry a heavy burden on our backs to succeed. Why? Because our families are depending on us to help the family financially. How many of us have given a portion of our scholarship or financial aid refunds to our parents? How many times do you have to be responsible for your siblings success in high school or middle school? How many times have you had to be the mediator of the family? The translator? The therapist? The psychologists? As the first in our families to go to college, we carry multiple roles because our families demand it of us. They don't do it to bother us, but they know that we are the glue that helps hold our families together. We do it because we love them.

But this can also take an emotional toll on us, because many times we are the only hope. My first semester of my freshman year in college my parents divorced. They had been together for 18 years, and after financial and emotional struggles they decided to end their marriage. My little sister who was a freshman in high school and my grandmother still lived at home. Their decision rocked my world and it pulled my foundation out from under me. I became incredibly depressed and thought the best idea would be for me to come home and try to "fix" everything. Unfortunately, I couldn't just come home. I was on a full ride to the university and I wasn't going to be able to leave. But I struggled. I struggled every day because I couldn't imagine what my little sister was going through and I couldn't imagine what my beautiful grandmother was going to think.

All I wanted to do was be home with my family and be that rock. But I couldn't. My parents never reconciled, and my sister never fully recovered from that heavy blow. She had to watch them fight daily and I couldn't take her out of that situation.

These are only parts of what we face on a personal level in our quest to reach our dreams, change the world and provide for our families.

I hope you enjoy the journey and in the process comment back on your experiences. This is about good and bad and funny and real issues. So enjoy the ride. Somos Latin@s.

Hasta la Victoria Siempre. :)
