Ok.. where to begin?

Friday, March 30, 2007 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 12:04 AM
HI Folks..

Well let me start off by presenting the timeline that has lead me to where I am today!

I am a first year law student at DU Law, and I have to say that now i enjoy it. Last semester was sheer and absolute hell. The material was difficult, i have read more in the past couple months than i ever had in my whole entire life, my life consists of waking up, going to school, eating, homework, reading, notes, sleeping and that's about it.

I am forced to ignore my AMAZING friends & family because I am usually in class or in the school, and that sucks! But oh well..

Last semster was very stressful and to be honest I HATED LAW SCHOOL! I thought that i had made a serious mistake because i couldn't focus, i didn't care for anyone in my class, and i couldn't care for the material or reading or anything else that had to do with school! And by the time i realized that i did care, it was a bit too late....

i remember it was December 12th and i was in a bad mood because we were getting ready for finals! it was the same day as the immigration raids in Greeley and i felt like crap because i was in "school" and not out being angry in the community or raising hell..

The next day, while i was in the library, i saw the front page of the post and saw all the horrific pictures of immigrantes being shackled and chained and then pushed into buses and i broke out in tears. I don't know if it was the stress from school or if it was my anger or a little bit of both, but at that moment, i realized that MY being in law school was much bigger than my selfish reasons for not wanting to be there.

I became incredibly upset with myself because here i am, a latina in law school and i am complaining because I don't want to be here! After all my family had worked for, i was willing to let it go that easily?? C'mon.. i pulled myself together as fast as i could, and i busted my ass to do the best that i could possibly do on my finals!

So, i did "ok" not great, and here I am again.. round 2! After i received my grades, i did alot of soul searching and realized that i had to actually put for the effort in order to get the grades.. (what a concept right?) but believe me, when you are in the moment, it doesn't really hit you until much later.

This semester, I love most of my classes, i am having a hard time in one specifically, because I don't care for it, but I am trying. I love my constitutional law and property class, and have found that I am quite good at both.

I must explain that for me in law school, there are either good days, bad days or just another day. Usually nothing falls in the middle, and when they are bad, they are VERY bad... imagine getting slapped around and spit on then dragged around by the hair. That is a law school bad day. Trust me.

So here I am, law school seems to be the abusive boyfriend that none of us can leave because we have the Battered Women Syndrome. They may beat the holy hell out of us, but for some odd reason I keep coming back and I love it. ;)

Buenas noches...