Sorry! Exciting Projects!

Thursday, March 10, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 9:13 AM

My apologies, I've been slacking. I know.

I got knocked down a bit this week with a cold, but I seem to be recovering fast. I woke up feeling absolutely awful on Tuesday but still went to work. Half way through my work day, I decided to leave because I felt awful and I could tell my work didn't want me there sniffling and coughing. So I met the husband for delicious soup dumplings then headed home. I woke up Wednesday still feeling awful after not sleeping the night before and stayed home from work. Today I feel better but still have a sore throat but feel much more energized. So I will work from home today.

I went to the stomach specialist yesterday and after waiting for almost 2 hours to speak with the Doctor, they informed me that I doesn't seem that I have H.Pylori again, my blood samples look great, I am not allergic to gluten, I don't have Crohn's disease or a tumor, so they think I might have eaten something that caused food poisoning. Great.

So, all is well in the healthy department, aside from this cold.

This past weekend I got the chance to meet up with some lady friends from Columbia law. I met them at the NLLSA conference in October and we became friends since then. One lovely lady is dating a really good friend of mine from UCLA Law which makes it even better! I forgot how much I miss my lady law friends from home. Law school is hard as is, but it truly makes a difference when you make special connections with other Latina women who are facing the similar challenges and who support and challenge you. I am glad to have re-connected with them this weekend and I hope to have brunch or dinner with them again soon. In general, we had a great discussion about the upcoming graduating Latino law graduates around the nation. We are game changers and fighters. We may be unemployed, but at least they are sticking to their values and are psyched to fight for the Latino community and other injustices that communities may face! It's a great feeling, and although many of my law friends will not be taking the NY Bar, I still feel motivated because we will be preparing for this beast together.

Lastly, Armando and I discussed the revamping of Divina Latina, Pinxe Cards and a brand spanking new Latina law blog. We will be redesigning the Divina Latina website, create a Pinxe Cards website, and I have to come up with a name for my law blog. The law blog will focus on the impact of federal and state immigration laws on the Latino community. I will have updates and resources on immigration law and procedures from around the nation. I plan to link to other immigration/migrant rights blogs and resources. I'd like to invite guest editors to write on topics that interest them as well. Now, I need to come up with a name for it. Initially I liked, but then I realized it is too close to Latino Justice from PRLDEF. So, now I am thinking of but I'm not sure I love it. So if anyone has ideas, please let me know. :)

So there is a lot of exciting things coming and we are busy busy bees.

Have a great week everyone!