And so it begins

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 4:15 PM
Hello peeps!

So, week 2 of Bar studying and so far... it's not horrible, but it's not great.

I have class everyday from 9-1pm then I take a break, eat lunch, and get back on it until about 6pm. Depending on the assignments, I will either study more after dinner or try to go to bed.

It's hard trying to find the best study schedule, but I think I am doing OK for now. I think it will be much more time consuming as I get into more subjects. Lucky for me, I have 22 more subjects to learn out of 25. Excellent. Just when I start to feel sorry for myself, I think of my poor friends taking the California bar. They have a 3 day bar, mine is only 2.

I am waiting for my UI benefits to kick in as well. It has me nervous and I try not to think about, but I can't help but worry every now and then.

The good thing is that I am remembering more the law than I thought of would, and now I need to practice memorizing and applying it for the essays. I've been working more and more on MC but I'm still not where I'd like to be in answering questions. I hope this is just because it's my first quizzes in a year, and I assume that I will get better.

I will keep you posted as I progress. Thank you all for the positive energy. Keep it coming, it's definitely needed.


And... We Survived the Rapture!

Monday, May 23, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:43 AM - I predict the people who predict the Rapture will never get any better at math

Thank the heavens! We survived! I was pretty sure NYC would be hit first, with all the crazy that is walking around here, but nope. We all survived. I'm not going to lie though, I worried for a little bit when dark ominous looking clouds appeared out of nowhere while I was at a farmers market at Union Station. But then, it just rained. Nothing happened. I was relieved and ran home so that in case it did happen, I would be with my husband, wrapped in the fetal position, embracing like the old couple on titanic. On my way home, an older gentleman peed his pants as he sat next to me, and all I could think of was the idea that I probably sat in a puddle of pee and didn't even realize it. But when he stood up, I could see his bottom was completely soaked and he left a neat little puddle on the seat. Ah, yes, I am back in New York.

I am sorry I have not blogged in almost a week, but last week was hectic and the next 10 weeks are about to get a little bit worse everyday. I will officially start my bar preparation tomorrow at 8am. And by 8am, I mean I will roll out of bed, do yoga, eat breakfast, and start studying. My official class starts on Thursday, but I have assignments that I need to complete before then.

I am excited, nervous, anxious and scared. Which all translates to me having anxiety attacks and leaving the house to buy eight different types of cheese. (True Story). But I recover and realize that everyone must feel like this and that life will be fine. I am excited because this is the last and final chapter of law school madness. I can't wait to become an actual "professional" and start helping people. I've wanted to be a lawyer since high school, and now, it's time to prove it. I know it won't be easy, but I love challenges and I know this stuff (except for transactions, wills & estates and torts, because I never learned those subjects). But I will learn it again and master those subjects.

The hubs and I decided this weekend that I would also get an additional tutor to help me with my writing. I met an attorney on Saturday who told me that I MUST hire Dr. Mary Gallagher for essays because she was the only reason he passed. Then another friend of mine, who just passed the bar in February, also told me about her too and claimed that she was the reason she passed the bar the second time, as well. And finally, on Saturday, while I was at the farmer's market, a nice looking fortune teller lady, told me that apparently one of my guardian spirits yelled "ESSAYS!" to her and that they thought I needed to get more help on my essays. So.... we decided the whole universe was conspiring to send me a message and I will hire her for help with my essays. The down part is that it's going to cost us more, but we feel it is worth it. That's why I love my husband, because he supports me and all my craziness and loves me unconditionally. Couldn't ask for a better partner in my life.

I had to talk to him this weekend about what the bar study schedule was about to do to our relationship, and I asked him what he needed from me as I prepared. More than anything he said to not start fights (because sometimes I do that for fun) and to communicate. He always cares about how I'm doing, and he wants me to check in with him, regardless of the emotion that is taking over me at that time. Easy enough. We've been through worse, so this doesn't worry me. I know people who will completely separate from their loved one for 3 months, but I think that's a bit nutty, but hey, to each their own.

I will keep you posted on what I am feeling and doing, but I will not be posting as often, and I apologize for that, but I have to focus and not allow random distractions. I don't consider my blog a distraction, and I will post as much as possible. You've been with me throughout the entire journey, and now you will follow my bar prep, and you will get to wait the anxious reply as to whether I do or don't pass the bar.

I still have some preparation to do today, so I will leave you for now.

I hope you all have an amazing week!

Finally Home

Sunday, May 15, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 8:33 PM
After a crazy 12 days of traveling from NYC-->DC-->Denver-->Cancun-->Playa del Carmen-->NYC, I am happy to say I am finally home.

Weird how NYC feels like a "home" now.

I'll tell you more about our adventures this week, but for now I need to rest up for a crazy week full of running around and bar prepping my home! AH!

On a great note, my law wifey (best friend) Nicol Marquez, Esq. just passed the California Bar!! She was always afraid she wouldn't pass and she proved herself wrong! I always believed she would and it made me cry today to know that she passed!

In a weird and ironic way, it makes me that much more excited to prep for the bar. Let's get it over with. :)

Have a great week everyone!