I found Great Donuts in New York!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 3:32 PM
I know this sounds crazy, but really, I was excited for Krisy Kreme until I had too many Krispy Kreme then remembered why I didn't like them in the first place. Too sweet, too much frosting. I am a Winchell's and Lamar's kind of girl. I love chocolate raised donuts, not the cake donuts. Yes, I know donuts... at least basic donuts.

Well, today, when I went to my volunteer gig, they had donuts at the law firm and I usualy never eat their breakfast sweets that are in the conference room, but today I aw the donuts and my heart started palpitating and I got excited because they looked like the donuts from back home. Plus, it was 8:45am and I was starving. So when they asked me if I wanted anything, I politely asked if I could have a donut. They obliged and I went for it. Let's just say that it was delicious and it helped me get through the translation. I learned that the doughnut came from the Doughnut Pub on 14th street and I promise I will visit them... soon... as in tomorrow.

My translation skills were way off today, mostly because I am really tired. Our friends visited us this weekend and we had an absolute blast with them! We saw a lot, ate a lot and walked a lot. Which is what you usually do in NYC. But we also went to bed super late almost every night because we were up chatting or watching movies.

There were some words that I just could not remember and all I could think about was how soon I could get to the doughnut shop and how tired I was. I still translated but it definitely was not succinct and to the point. Same meaning, just a little bit longer explanation. But it worked.

I am going to bed early tonight so I am ready for my first full day at my other volunteer job with the non-profit. With that said, I am off to read a little bit, then go to sleep. Have a great day peeps!

Bill Maher Depressed me tonight

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 7:11 PM
I love Bill Maher, as much as the next die hard realist liberal does.

I especially liked his commentary on Obama because he seemed to capture how I feel about him. He summed it up to this:

"Obama is like the boyfriend that you just got into a really big fight with, you still love him, but you know it's over, but you can't leave him because he's the best you're going to do at this point."

Or something like that. Obama and I are having a love-hate relationship this year, mostly been on the "Dislike" side of things, but I guess that's neither here nor there.

More than anything, the commentary basically summed up what the hubs and I have been talking about. The end of capitalism as we know it, and the mess that is yet to come for our generation. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm talking about politics on this blog, but it's not so much about the politics. It's about finances and job security in the coming years. I think life is going to be much different for us than what our parents had.

I've heard that our 30's is when we climb professionally, 40's we make money, and 50's we are still working and praying for our 60's to come so we can go travel the world. But, I don't know if that model will be the same anymore and that worries me. Granted, I also wanted to be making money by the time I was 30, but given my unemployment status, I doubt that's going to happen. Doesn't mean I'll stop trying, but it was basically affirmed tonight on Bill Maher, therefore my fears are real.

I know it's not always going to feel this way (or at least I hope it doesn't) but when are things going to get better for people? I feel like the American government finally felt like we do when we are all trying to figure out which bill to pay and which bill or utility to cut.

Anyways, this was a true random rambling, but I just had to put it out there. This is my cucuy, this is my boogie man. I don't want to be 35, unemployed lawyer, with no savings.

On another interesting note, this economy is creating a change in our generation as to how we create families. Many people in their late 20s or early 30s are opting out for adoption instead of having kids. I have two friends who are looking into adoption, and I find it so interesting and lovely. I don't know if we'll adopt (maybe so? i dunno?) but I know I need a few to call my own perhaps. Or maybe I already have a few out there? Just kidding! :)

Have a great day!

Do-er by day, Dreamer by night!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:59 AM
My creative tentacles are everywhere! Good lord!

It's like the Bar put a total mental block on any creative juices or flows I had in my brain, and understandably so. I guess the bar examiners wouldn't want me to respond to their essay questions with a sense of humor and creative freedom. (Similar to these answers on exams.)

But alas, these answers will probably not allow me to pass the NY Bar exam, and I hope that in the furry of typing as fast as I could, I did not write a dumb answer. Anyways, it's done, let's move on.

Yesterday the hubs came home from San Jose, after a grueling 12 hour red-eye flight with 6 teenagers. His flight was cancelled and they had quite the adventure trying to figure out how to get home and pass the time. Lucky for them, their hotel was a mile away from a theme park, so they went crazy on roller coasters until they had to catch their late night flight.

He came home and slept most of the day, and when he woke up, we caught up on the week and then we headed out to grab a quick & cheap bite to eat and a nice Chinese massage for him. Now, I know what you're thinking, but it's not "those kind" of massages. In NYC, there are places that do Qi Gong Tui Na massages. They are relatively cheap and these women get to work on your back! It's only $45 for one hour of the most intense and delicious massages you've ever had. They waste no time and get to work on your trouble spots! I went there a week before the bar and they were fabulous.

I had to warn my husband that this place looks like you might be kidnapped and sexually trafficked if you go behind the private curtains. All the ladies who work there whisper to you and the lights are dim and the place is warm. I told him not to panic when they tell him to strip down to his underwear and to not use the sheath cloth on the table to cover himself. I tried to cover myself when I went with the weird sheath material, and the little lady next to me quickly looked over my curtain and told me to "SHHH!!!" and then scolded me for laying under the sheath material. I felt dumb and a little scared, but what followed was one of the best massages of my life, even if I thought I was about to get trafficked or sexually assaulted, I loved it and I knew immediately that I had to take the hubs there.

So he went in, I didn't go in because we are on a tight budget, and instead I went to eat a cupcake. Yes, I had to do something while I waited. He had an hour massage and when I saw him again, he looked as cool as a cucumber and affirmed that it was the best massage he has ever received! They spent a half an hour on his legs and feet alone!! Amazing, I love it!

The first time I went there, I also worried that the women giving me a backrub were somehow slaves to this business, but I went late and as I left, all the women left as well giggling and laughing and went next door to eat. So, I figured, ok, they are not here against their will. :) I know it's weird, but I have to think these thoughts!

This week will be busy, I have a few projects that I am working on and I need to get them down on paper and start hashing out the details for each one. I also have an article due for Being Latino and we have guests this weekend from Denver. It's a busy week and I am enjoying my unemployed status. I am a bit stressed sometimes, but I have to believe that this will all work out. One of my problems is that I think I get my best ideas when I can't sleep, so I need to get up and write them down or work on them. But then I end up going to bed at 3 or 4am and that can't be healthy. So I need to change that this week.

Anyways, have a beautiful week folks!

I am...

Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 12:14 AM

From the incomparable Jason Mraz... I find it to be so true at this moment in my life. Enjoy!

Anything you write after I am is simply a concept. So choose what comes after it carefully.

I am successful. I am fulfilled. I am an astronaut. I am amazing. I am late. I am in trouble. I am enlightened. I am yours. Etc.

Anything after I am will only give you power if you worship it. For example, fulfillment doesn’t exist outside the body. You are who decides if you are fulfilled or not. Saying I am fulfilled is a start, but it is the practice and devotion to that affirmation that amplifies it.

For weeks this spring I was devoted to I am sad. I am wrong. I am incomplete. I am not fully expressed. And while none of those things are true unless I believe them to be, my resistance to being love only brought more pain and lethargy.

Finally, with a little help from my friends, classical music, cleansing, exercise, acceptance, and lots of prayer, that which shifts all thoughts back to love, I can finally say I’m on a much clearer path to health and happiness.

I am healthy.
I am happiness.
I am alive.
I am.

It was a close call too. I don’t think I’d ever been as deep in the storm before. I am grateful for treading in such dark waters and I’m committed to never going back.

No healer has ever healed without having healed himself first. No believer has ever believed as strongly without first testing his beliefs. And no lover has truly loved without having loved another and let go.

I’m not afraid to let go anymore. If it looks to others like I did something wrong, made bad choices, acted selfishly, or fearful, then so what. I can say, to you I am wrong. I am selfish. etc. Big deal. Stick and stones may break my bones but I choose not to give those thoughts a home. When I am sad I will simply be grateful for the sadness as it is a gift, a miracle in fact, to experience this powerful emotion, trusting the pendulum swings both ways; embracing all of life in it's awkward perfection. I would never tattoo ‘I am sad’ on my body so why would I dwell on it in the mind? I am awesome, however, will make a great tattoo.

I am honored.
I am humbled.
I am happy.
I am

Sooo... Tirreeeddd

Thursday, August 4, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:45 PM
Or maybe I'm just lazy... I'm not sure.

I've been waking up so late this week, but I've been having problems sleeping. I think my brain was so used to working hard and being tired at the end of the day that now it has no idea what to do with all that free space.

I didn't get any of the positions or fellowships that I applied to from May-July. The one fellowship that I really wanted was an Equal Justice fellowship with a women's rights organization that assists immigrant victims of domestic violence, The new fellowship would assist victims of domestic violence who would now possibly be eligible for residency by applying for a U visa. The organization is attempting to expand their services to various areas of immigration law that affect women, especially immigrant and migrant women. So, needless to say, it was a phenomenal organization and I really wanted to be a part of it. But, I interviewed for them, a week before the bar, and I can honestly say it was not my best interview (because my brain was fried) and I was tired. Yes, I am an idiot for interviewing a week before the bar, but hey, I applied, they called, I went.

But, in retrospect, I am not upset and I realized that I need to spend more time getting to know other organizations in NYC. I will spend the next couple of weeks volunteering my time with a few immigrant rights and public interest organizations in NYC. I realized that I have not had the opportunity to show my commitment and my passion with these organizations. I also realized that I am competing with the best of the best and attorneys who have been laid off and are now applying for the same damn jobs that I am applying to. Damn them! So, I need to step up my game!! And I am ready for that.

I think that is what NYC is about... a lot of hard work, patience, perseverance and passion.

I spent half of my day yesterday sending volunteer emails to various organizations and I also responded to the rejection email I received from the women's right organization. I asked if I could volunteer with them, and she loved my "gracious" email and offered me a volunteer in house counsel position! :) Yes, it's a volunteer position, but the fact that she called "counsel" made me smile and made my day. I had to decline it because I am not licensed yet, but she said I could still do it once I pass the bar. In the meantime, I will be doing client intake on Thursdays from 10-2 and I will have some in house cases that I will take on as well.

I will also be volunteering with an immigrant rights organization either in Queens or Brooklyn. I am not sure which location yet.

Today, after sitting on my couch and responding to emails, phone calls, for 5 hours, I decided I would get out of my house and go to the public pool at Central Park. Mind you, I decided to leave my house at 5pm! Little did I know that it wasn't super hot outside (probably because it was 5pm) and that it was about to rain. I decided I would risk the rain anyway and still go to the park because I didn't want to waste the whole day at home. What I really wanted to do was go to the beach, but I am still recovering from Shark Week shows on the Discovery channel, so I can't go yet. Maybe on Saturday I'll go to the beach.

You should be happy to know that I learned how to cook new things this week. I've also decided that if I don't have a job, I should learn how to cook new things. I realized that the only things that I cook are usually mole, caldos, and anything that has cheese, potatoes and squash. Oh and enchiladas. So I cooked gigantic cheeseburgers with homemade onion rings on Monday, Oven fried chicken and mashed potatoes on Tuesday, Enchiladas on Wednesday and today I had leftovers. By leftovers I mean the entire bowl of mashed potatoes that I made Tuesday. I love mashed potatoes, but I ate way too much of them tonight.

The hubs is in San Jose, California (yes, he's gone again!) and he gets to meet the Black Eyed Peas again. Man, he has a hard life.

That's the update for now, I'll be writing more now that I am catching up with life and finally resting.

We have guests for the next 3 weeks straight! CRAZY! But it should be exciting and fun... right? :D