Bill Maher Depressed me tonight
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 7:11 PM
I especially liked his commentary on Obama because he seemed to capture how I feel about him. He summed it up to this:
"Obama is like the boyfriend that you just got into a really big fight with, you still love him, but you know it's over, but you can't leave him because he's the best you're going to do at this point."
Or something like that. Obama and I are having a love-hate relationship this year, mostly been on the "Dislike" side of things, but I guess that's neither here nor there.
More than anything, the commentary basically summed up what the hubs and I have been talking about. The end of capitalism as we know it, and the mess that is yet to come for our generation. Now, you're probably wondering why I'm talking about politics on this blog, but it's not so much about the politics. It's about finances and job security in the coming years. I think life is going to be much different for us than what our parents had.
I've heard that our 30's is when we climb professionally, 40's we make money, and 50's we are still working and praying for our 60's to come so we can go travel the world. But, I don't know if that model will be the same anymore and that worries me. Granted, I also wanted to be making money by the time I was 30, but given my unemployment status, I doubt that's going to happen. Doesn't mean I'll stop trying, but it was basically affirmed tonight on Bill Maher, therefore my fears are real.
I know it's not always going to feel this way (or at least I hope it doesn't) but when are things going to get better for people? I feel like the American government finally felt like we do when we are all trying to figure out which bill to pay and which bill or utility to cut.
Anyways, this was a true random rambling, but I just had to put it out there. This is my cucuy, this is my boogie man. I don't want to be 35, unemployed lawyer, with no savings.
On another interesting note, this economy is creating a change in our generation as to how we create families. Many people in their late 20s or early 30s are opting out for adoption instead of having kids. I have two friends who are looking into adoption, and I find it so interesting and lovely. I don't know if we'll adopt (maybe so? i dunno?) but I know I need a few to call my own perhaps. Or maybe I already have a few out there? Just kidding! :)
Have a great day!