A beautiful Snow Day

Thursday, January 27, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:44 AM

Some folks laugh at me because I told them I love Blizzards. :) I love them in Denver and I love them in New York! There's something awesome about such beautiful chaos that mother nature provides. :) Plus, they close the island and I don't have to go to work! HA!

I wanted to post pictures of what we woke up to! Although it's not good news for everyone, Daniela was supposed to arrive at 3pm and now she's on her way to Virginia, after landing in North Carolina and realizing that her flight was canceled from North Carolina to New York. She'll still get in but at 9pm in Laguardia. This makes me giggle for some reason. I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday!

Finding Home and Peace

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 6:40 AM

This past weekend I had the fabulous opportunity to meet with a lovely young Latina/Mexican from El Chuco town! AKA El Paso, Texas. :) We met at an art showing last year and I think we hit it off quite well. I don't know if it is the fact that we both smile with an ear to ear grin at everyone or that she's just awesome. Either way, we had been meaning to meet up and we finally met up for brunch on Saturday.

We talked about Washington Heights and Brooklyn and how much we both loved the Latino-ness vibe of the neighborhood. I've posted before on how much I love my salsa playing 99 cent store and I love that all you hear is Spanish on the streets. We talked about the things we really missed from home as well and where we could find them. I am dying to find a delicious panaderia out here but she has one close to her neighborhood in Ditmars! I also missed smothered anything! I have been craving a smothered burrito for months! I've concluded that "smothering" is a New Mexico/Colorado/Southwest thing. But it is ironic to me that New York, the place that has everything, does not have a smothered burrito spot. :(

I told her how I love the Norteno and Banda bands that jump on the trains with their guitars, basses, accordions, etc! I always carry a little bit of change or money so that I can give it to them when I see them. It's not that they are broke, but they are incredibly talented and we concluded that a part of us feels at home when we see them or when we hear them. I told her that I call them Los Tigeres del A-Train! I also love seeing the little mujeres who sell tamales on the weekend here. Even the old ladies hustle out here! It's truly incredible. I don't know how the immigrante community does it because the cost of living here is so expensive, yet they make it just fine. And the Mexican community, in particular, is very interesting to watch and listen to because they are all from Puebla or Oaxaca! How did they all get here? Puebla is far and Oaxaca is further! I project that within 10 years the Mexicano community will outnumber the Puerto Rican and Dominican community.

Anyways, I rambled there for a second, my apologies. Yadira (El Chuco) and I are going to potentially create a really fantastic project from our discussion, but I can't quite announce it yet as I need to flush it out a little bit more. All I can say is that it will focus on the Mexican/Undocumented community and that it will be awesome. On top of spending a wonderful afternoon with a lovely and talented new friend, I enjoyed just being able to relate to someone out here. I look forward to this friendship and the projects and ideas to come. :) (check our her blog)

On another note, I still haven't heard more details from my supervisors or directors, but I feel like nothing is going to come of this position. This places me in a weird predicament because I want to keep working hard on my projects but I feel a bit defeated and out of energy because a part of me feels like "what's the point?" But I know I can't feel that way because I still need to perform at my highest level so that they can remember the good work that I've done. :) I'm just having a hard time remembering that everyday. At least I'll go out with a bang! I will be in Puerto Rico next week for work, so it might be a nice (not really) break.

We'll see, but I am staying positive as best as I can and sending resumes and cover letters out again. I am trying to be at peace, but I am so anxious about it all. I might have to just drop in to some organizations like the hubs did. I'm just not as courageous as he is!

Happy Wednesday!


Friday, January 21, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 9:11 AM
I just wanted to say that I did remember that I have to sell my car back home! So that will cover a little more than half of my tuition for Barbri! :) The hubs made me realize that yesterday so I think all will be fine! :) At least that stress is whining down! woo hooo!

Happy Friday!!

Yoga = awesome

Thursday, January 20, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 6:56 PM
(this is how i felt yesterday)

I am excited because I've been going to yoga more often. Last week when I went to Yogablends 1/2 I felt calm, relaxed and fulfilled with a great workout. The place is called Yogaworks and they have a great locker room equipped with a sauna and a tea room. I love it.

I noticed that my legs don't hurt as much anymore, probably because of all the great urban hiking I do in Nueva Yol! :) So I felt good and stronger! I came home telling mando that I was not at a beginner level of yoga and should attend the 2/3 level classes. So that is exactly what I did yesterday. I arrived early, sat in the sauna and prepared for class. You have to get there early or else it's too crowded.

Class was packed and I was excited for a good workout since it is power yoga and it's a bit more intense then your regular yoga. :) Well, let's just say I was way off! I saw moves that I have never seen! At one point they basically went from a head stand into a pushup. Yup. Many a times I had to sit and watch for a little bit because I had no idea what they were doing. At some point in the middle my feet cramped up so bad I had to put my feet together to relax them a little bit. I felt embarrassed but I didn't give up. I couldn't. For those of you who practice yoga or don't, you know you should dedicate your yoga practice to something, so yesterday, after having a rough week, I decided to dedicate it to myself. So with that in my mind, I knew I couldn't quit because 1) I would be quitting on myself and 2) I would be very embarrassed because I was in the front row and I have a membership there.

Needless to say, I left incredibly humbled and I felt incredibly sore today. So I must have been putting forth some effort right? Also, at one point we had to kick into a headstand, which I am normally fantastic at, but since I haven't practiced in so long, it definitely took more effort. At one point the instructor said, "Please don't let your legs go crazy, if your legs are crazy it probably implies that your life is crazy as well." I know he wasn't exactly speaking to me but it stuck with me.

At the end of the session, I told the instructor that I was sorry for sucking so bad and that I would be better next time. He nicely shook his head and said, "Yeah..."

I look forward to going to Yogablends 1/2 on Sunday. I have to work my way up to 2/3. :)

And then the other shoe dropped. :)

Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 11:00 AM

Last week was not the best week I've had, but that’s ok. We move on. My position at my work will be terminated on February 28, 2011. Obama restructured the federal career intern program that I am currently under so it has changed the entire program and my employer has to convert me to a permanent position or non-permanent position by February 28th if they have a position. If not, I don’t have a position with the federal government after that date. All of my directors are currently trying super hard to find a position for me and to find a way to keep me, but still it’s all unnerving and annoying because this is about the third or fourth time that I go through this. It bugs me. Especially because the good news I had was based on a project that I just received.

The project I am now working on involves the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Ken Salazar and all the New York Harbor Parks. He has mandated for the parks to write a report on how to make these parks the Premier Urban National Park.I have been assigned to the Commissioner of the parks, el mero mero, to help him assemble, manage and write this report. It’s due the first weeks of February and it’s a big boost for me. I though it would help me find a more secure role with the parks or the Department of the Interior, but I’m not sure now what will happen.

I am fine. I am keeping the faith and hoping something works out. If not, then it wasn’t meant for me to stay with this organization. So, we’ll see. I have to keep working hard and showing what an asset I can be to the organization. I’m better today but no matter what, I am going to still be nervous and anxious. I am having some trouble sleeping so I try to be in bed no later than 10pm!

Either way, I think I am going to start looking for jobs just in case. I already found a great fellowship that I am applying for so we’ll see. More than anything I just feel really lost right now about my career and it frustrates me. I’ve never been the type of person who just likes to “float’ along. I always had a plan and now, I find myself with no real direction and it frustrates me. It frustrates me that I am so close to achieving what I want to become, but yet it is so difficult to attain it. I also think that I try really hard sometimes and that I also need to relax a little bit then get back on the grind. I'm still having the "come to jesus" talks with myself in trying to figure out my next step, but it's hard here in NYC when I have no real connections or networks. I am starting to network a lot more and I know I need to, so that is one of my focuses.

It also doesn't help that I just received the bill for my Bar prep course with BarBri and it will be $3446.00!! Best part is that it has to all be paid by April 1st and the only scholarship they give out is $400! Idiots. My school advised me to seek a personal loan, but I am also speaking with my financial aid counselor to see if she has any ideas on how to pay for it.

It's just a very weird time for me, I feel stuck in the middle of nothing, and I'm trying to make something out of it but I don't know how, and I've never not known how to make something out of nothing, but this has me stumped. All I can hope for is that the networks I am creating and my resume can get me a great job somewhere because I feel that I deserve it.

So, we press on, hoping that there’s something out there and everything happens for a reason. Staying positive. :)

But also being realistic. I'll keep you posted and I'll write more this week. It's just been MADNESS with the Secretary project.

Sorry, I've been slacking bigtime!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 6:35 PM

Hello! Hello!

Again, I know, I've been slacking and I'm sorry. Work has been a bit nuts and challenging, and I've started yoga. So, my days have been incredibly busy and nutty, but awesome.

I realized that I am starting to like New York more and more. I don't mind my commute that much anymore, and I like the routine of it. It's easy, I get it, and I like that I can get off on any stop and be somewhere I haven't been before. I like it. Right now, I am digging Union Square, alot, but I've only been there once and it was to visit a paper shop. This place was amazingly awesome and it inspired me to continue with my Pinxe Cards stationary idea! I found amazing paper there and Mando and I are going to buy a printer so I can make some samples and then hopefully look for a local printer here through some friends. (hopefully). I really miss being creative, and I feel like this is the place to do so, so I might as well get to it while I'm here.

On another note, I had a minor health scare this past week. It's actually quite funny now, but at the moment I thought I might die. I realized last week that I had a bump under my armpit. I started to panic because of the history of breast cancer in my family, so of course, I should be worried. Then the hubs realized it was probably an in-grown hair. I did what everyone does when something like this happens, and I googled it. And the pictures I saw and the description looked like what I had going on. So I left it alone. Sorta. Then I started to google other things that can cause bumps in the armpit and I realized, what if I have cancer! Which is not funny at all! So the next thing I called doctors all over Manhattan. Getting into a doctors office in Manhattan is like trying to find Osama Bin Ladin. It's not going to happen. I called at around 24-30 offices and each time I said, "but this is an emergency, I have a lump in my armpit! What do I do?" and they said, go to the emergency room. So boo. I came home and told the hubs, and he started to worry too. The following day I figured I would try more offices and if not, I'd go straight to the ER. Lucky for me I found a doctor who would see me the same day so I went! This doctor was hilariously awesome! If he wasn't out of my network, I'd return to him, especially because he specializes in women's health. I told him about the underarm "issue" and he took a look. I spent a good amount of time telling him about the history of cancer in my family and how worried I was. He took a look and told me he had good news and bad news. Good news is that I am going to live for another 80-81 years, bad news ... it's a giant pimple!! HA! I was a bit mortified, and he couldn't stop laughing! So at least I know it's not cancer!

On another high note, I received another great project at work! I don't want to say anything yet, because I have a meeting tomorrow with all of my supervisors and it has me nervous, so I am not going to say anything until tomorrow. :) Again, I had to have a "come to jesus" moment this weekend because I was going through an "i hate my job" type of week. I was upset because I am not doing what I ideally want to do but I love the island, the island projects and the people I work with. I have to think that I hadn't heard back from legal jobs before we arrived because there is something else coming my way. I don't know what it is, but there is something happening, and it's good. But, I have to be patient. I can tell you more tomorrow, but until then, I think things are going well. I think. :)

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:04 AM
Well hello everyone!

I apologize for the not writing sooner, but I took a technology break over my holiday break and disconnected from the web as much as I could. I hope your holidays were fantastic!

We had the great fortune (misfortune for others) to be stranded at home in Denver for an extra 4 days because of the New York blizzard! It was actually really fun and I was happy to have extra time with family and friends. But I was not excited about waking up at 5am forr 3 days to go to the airport to see if we could get on a flight. For those of you who don't know, I am not a morning person at all, as a matter of fact, I hate sunrises. I know, I'm a morning grinch and my mother gets mad at me for being one.

One of the things I was looking forward to the most this year was eating. I was really excited to go home and have tamales, menudo, gorditas, pozole, etc! Pretty much whatever was going to be thrown at me, I was going to eat it. Unfortunately for me, I got really sick my first day home and ended up vomitting for three days straight. It was awful. I'd rather see the sunrise then vommit. More than anything, I got slightly depressed because I couldn't consume my favorite foods from home. I got scared to eat tamales and empanadas so I feel like I short changed myself. Lucky for me though, I think my mother-in-law is going to send me what I didn't eat! I think in the end it was gastritis but who knows...

New Years eve was fun as we got to celebrate it with 2 of our best friends from Denver. We went to a party/fundraiser that Armando's co-worker put on. After the party we went to one of my favorite spots in NY, Grays Papaya! Our first meal of 2011 was Grays Papaya!

Needless to say, we had a great time showing them the big city and we even got to ghost hunt a little about near St. Pauls Chapel/WTC Site. We might have caught a full bodied apparition in one of our pictures, but I need to go back and analyze it. It really freaked us out since there was no one to fit the description of the person we see suddenly appear in one of our pictures and the person seems to look like a WTC Emergency worker. OOooy. As soon as I download the pictures I will post them for you to see what I'm talking about. On top of that, we were able to catch 3 orbs in the cemetary! It was a great night for ghost hunting.

I am excited for 2011 and nervous to see what awaits me. I will finally take the dreaded bar exam in July and I hope to never take it again. One of my biggest goals this year is to keep pushing myself to excel in my career path as a lawyer while still succeeding in my current role with the parks. I am not going to sell myself short and I will push through those fears of being an actual attorney! I am going to start networking more and volunteering with more organizations.

I hope you all have an amazing 2011 as well.

I promise to post a new Sasnor Restaurant award tomorrow as well!

p.s. I did give someone the baby chicks present from heifer.org. My friend Jeremy Jimenez won it in our white elephant exchange. :) It was pretty much the funniest thing I've ever seen, and it went towards a great cause.