Color Esperanza

Thursday, February 3, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 8:18 PM

My week in Puerto Rico is coming to a close and I am happy to go home but sad to leave the island. ;( I thought I didn't like Puerto Rico, but I think I was wrong... I do. It was good to take a vacation from myself and from the cold! :) I say from myself because I've been in my head so much these past couple of weeks and it felt good to just "be."

I don't usually toot my own horn, but I did a phenomenal job this week on both of my all Spanish presentations. I mean, really knocked it out of the park. All my interviews, questions, tours, presentations, etc! I think I am actually leaving with a Puerto Rican accent too! (Or so I've been told!)

It felt great after I presented and it reminded me of what a hard worker I truly am and that it will get me far and I will be fine. I realized that I am asset to my work, they appreciate me and know that I am a hard worker and worth their time. I think I was just feeling so down and out, that I let it all get to me. I also realized that I am very grateful for my legal training, and I learned that in reality, I am an attorney by training. I received many compliments on my professionalism, my presentations skills, and poise. I also received comments that I was a very nice person, and I think that truly made a difference here in Puerto Rico and in this project. Yes, I might be from a federal agency, but I don't look or feel threatening. :) It works.

Every time I come to Puerto Rico, I learn something about myself and I go home with a clear heart and mind. The last time I was here I realized that Armando needed to move to New York and if not now, then when and we made it happen. So here I am again, going home enlightened and ready to move forward and keep working hard. If nothing comes of my "career" with the Federal Government then it is ok because I have a skill set that is valuable and desired. :) I will be fine, life will move forward and I have to stop being so hard on myself. Yes, it's fine to have expectations, but I also need to relax and cut myself some slack. It's ok to have setbacks, I will not always win, but I will continue to get up as I always do. One of my strengths is that I find opportunities everywhere and I am ready to go back to NYC and do just that. I am not ready for the cold, but I am ready to go back, keep moving forward and go home to my husband. :)

Puerto Rico, you were fantastic- encantada.

p.s. I love this song, it reminds me to have strength.