Good News!

Friday, February 25, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 8:05 AM

I have been hired on as an emergency hire out of Washington, D.C! I will have a job for the next 60 days and after that... well, I'll figure that part out as we go. By then studying for the bar will commence and life as we know it, will cease to exist for me.

This puts me at great ease as the last couple of weeks have been stressful and difficult on me and on my body (barely realizing that I am internalizing my stress!). I am excited to be able to keep working on the Museum project and I am super excited to be working out of D.C.!

Bad news is that I lose my benefits but I have a 31 day grace period that starts Monday! So, I need to go to the Dentist and eye doctor before then! ha! I also had to visit the doctor this week because my stomach problems came back and I decided to see a specialist to see if the h.pylori bacteria decided to never leave or if it's something else. I spent the last couple of days nauseus, with stomach aches and throwing up, and NO I am not pregnant. :) I am confident we will get to the root of the problem but I hate taking stomach meds because they jack my stomach up for a little bit and it takes my body a little bit of time to recover. I also realized (just now) that I am super duper exhausted. I also hate all the tests they are making me do, which are NOT glamorous or pretty in any sense of the word. Let's just say that stool samples are gross, but a necessary evil.
All in all, this has worked out perfectly. The hubs and I are trying to find a health insurance option for us after March and I've been told that NYC is suprisingly affordable because of all their amazing free/community clinics. :)

I am really tired and have a long day ahead of me still, I have to volunteer as a translator tonight at 5pm for KIND, allllll the way out in Brooklyn, and right now, I don't even know how I am going to muster up the strength to make it past 2! But, on the upside, it rained all morning, heavy rain that required my super Hunter Yellow boots. I love them. They make me feel great for some reason. I would highly recommend a pair to anyone who loves to conquer rain puddles.