Now, I feel bad.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 9:02 AM
Well, we found the zombie mouse, and I will spare you the details of the condition he was in. It makes my heart so sad to wage a war against these little guys, but I don't know what other options we have, because if we do it the humane way, they keep coming in!

Also, last night, for some dumb reason, I woke up at 3:24am and heard a shrill squeek coming from upstairs. I was going to wake mando up because I thought it was two mice fighting by our bedroom door, but then I realized it might be one that got caught in the trap. I felt so awful that I couldn't sleep for awhile after that.

I really hope he is the last one, because I can't bare the sight of another one. I feel like a total jerk. Please let it be the last one.

On a much happier and less depressing note, I VOTED TODAY! Hooray! Since becoming a US Citizen, this is one of the things I was looking forward to the most. That and losing the anxiety I felt whenever I crossed any international borders because I was only a U.S. resident. I was actually very nervous, but excited. I hope my vote counts. Go Dems! Boo Buck!

The house is nowhere near packed but we've sold TONS of things! We've sold almost all the big ticket items. I am starting to get overwhelmed because even though I am packing daily, I feel that I am getting nowhere. It's very emotional to detach yourself from all your physical belongings, and at the same time, it is ridiculous how attached we become to things. For example, remember those Diesel shoes I told you about? Well, I finally gave those to a little girl whose family bought our tv and dining set. I gave her and her little sister TONS of stuff. I realized that they would have better use for it then I would. Although it's all a bit overwhelming right now, it's quite liberating to get rid of crap and just let go of it. There's something beautiful in all this chaos and it reminds me that those physical things are not what is important in life. It is the relationships we have with each other and the people we surround ourselves with.
I am getting more and more excited about the move. I think in all, I just want it to be done and overwith so I can be in NYC and working, instead of moping around packing up my life. I was informed yesterday of where I was going to be working, and honestly, I couldn't be more thrilled! I will be placed in Governors Island in NYC! This island is awesome, and I am excited to explore the haunted history of the island! There is a castle and an old fort on the island that are being restored, so if I am lucky, I might get to work on these projects as well!
The days are going by fast and I am sure I'll be an emotional wreck next week, but so far, I am ok. I apologize now for sounding like a zombie in my blog. I sleep, but in the mornings when I wake up, I feel like I got hit by a bus. :)
Have a great day!