Back to work.

Monday, April 11, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 9:19 AM
so true.

Back to work today, the world did not end and an agreement was reached on the 11th hour before the shutdown. This is probably how everyone's cable and phone bill works out too. You wait until they threaten to turn off your your service, then you pay just enough to keep it going.

Well, at least we can continue planning the release of the final report. To be honest, I am so attached to this project, that I was a bit panicked that the shutdown would cost us the release and would also have me without a paycheck before May 5th. Those would both be equally disastrous for me.

I had an incredible and a bit unproductive weekend. Friday we stayed in and relaxed, had Jamaican food for the first time (eh) and then went to bed. I know, we are only in our late 20's and we act like an old married couple. Saturday we woke up late, I worked out while the hubs lounged around, then we went to a women's pop-up shop )arts/crafts sale) then headed out to Philly for an art show with a friend!

Philadelphia is only an hour and a half away so it didn't feel that long, and the ride back was hilarious! The hubs and I learned that in NYC, they think Chick-Fil-A is pronounced Chikafila. We passed one and Armando said, "Look, there's a Chick-fil-a!" And our friend responded by saying, "Is that how you say that?!" I laughed so hard for about 10 minute straight! We took a minor detour through Pennsauken, Pennsylvania so we could get gas, and all 4 of us in the car were a bit scared everytime we passed some police officers. For some reason we imagined that this was the kind of place where latinos and people of color just disappear. Needless to say, we pumped gas and took off towards the highway.

The show was an incredible, and I have never seen anything like it. The artist, Adrian, created an exhibit the chronicles the memories of an elderly puerto rican woman. But his exhibit is exquisite and inspiring. We came to find out that the gallery we were in was actually someone's home! They opened up their home and now it serves as a community/art space as well. It was amazing.

It was the closing night so a few performers closed out the show and one spoken word artist brought me tears.

Her name is Danice MsMisconception Frohman. She read a poem titled "abuela" and dedicated it to her as her abuelita had just passed away two months ago. I knew it would probably be a good poem, but she captured the essence of my relationship with her. From the beginning, I cried and couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Once it was done, I quietly escaped to the bathroom to clean my face and to quietly sob a little bit more. I miss my grandma everyday and at that moment, her words just pierced straight through my heart. Hopefully I can get a copy of her performance, because it was magical for me.

All in all, the weekend was fun. Just exhausting.

I am now 36 days away from preparing for barprep, and I feel excited and nervous.

Hopefully, these next couple of weeks will fly by so I can see my family and friends then head to the beach!

This is the video of the exhibit we went to go see this weekend. Amazing.

Caja De La Memoria Viva II: Constancia Colon Clemente from Viajero on Vimeo.