Feeling Fine...

Friday, April 1, 2011 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:42 AM

Goodness me oh my, I think I was super tired and cranky and emotional yesterday. Again, I'm sorry for being a debbie downer, but it happens to all of us and I think we all need mental health days. They are just as important as sick days, right?

I am doing better today. As I said yesterday, I went home, ate pizza and went straight to bed. :) At least I stick to my mission. :) Although I woke up at 4am and thought about getting ready and going to work at 6am, but then I got sleepy right around 4:30am and went back to sleep.

I have been working on an exciting secret project of mine that I will now share only with you, whoever you are, that read my blog. I use to think that maybe 1-2 people read it, but some folks hit me up on FB to show love for the blog and it made my heart warm like a brownie coming out of the oven! (Thank you ladies!)

With the helps of the hubs, I have a new site that I will be launching soon: www.justiciahoy.org, that will serve a professional and personal purpose of providing stories, resources and insight into the current immigration debate and other federal and state laws that impact the immigrant community. I have already received an offer to do freelance work for another immigrant rights organization in Long Island and I am looking forward to this venture because it allows me to continue to write, but at a more professional level and because I get to educate folks on resources that are available to them and upcoming events and legislation. There are some minor things that are still missing to the blog and the format and look of the blog might change, but the content will remain the same. :)

Happy Friday to Everyone! Have a fabulous weekend! I will be at a Latino Student Law event all day tomorrow. :( Networking never rests! lol!