
Monday, October 25, 2010 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:31 PM

When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude. Live and love each day.

it's amazing to me how life sometimes work out. Maktub.

Maktub is an alchemist term (arabic word) which literally means it is written. From mystical point of view, it points to the fact that whatever happens is already known to the One. It signifies that Destiny exists. It points finger to the fact that everything is already known to God.

I consider myself a catholic but I mostly talk to Our Lady of Guadalupe. I feel she's my homie and she grounds me in my life. I also feel that my grandmother is with me most of the time reminding me to press on and stay calm in life.

Yesterday, a dear friend of mine lost her stepmother and little brother in a fatal car accident. As I sat there and heard the news, I was surrounded by my loving mother, aunt, cousins and little sister. I took that moment to take in how blessed I was in my life, and although life sometimes throws your curveballs, it's always temporary. There are always defeats, but it is temporary.

Today, I was thinking of my friend all day and I found myself in such a difficult position in regards to me feelings and my thoughts. I was thinking of destiny and the direction my life was heading and how good I felt, but then I thought of her loss and wondered what the purpose was for that or why fate had worked out in that way. I got mad and felt an anger that I hadn't felt in a long time. The last time I felt this angry with life was when my grandmother got really sick. I couldn't understand why "God" would allow another human to suffer so much after all the love and worship she had provided to him all her life. I still can't really comprehend those questions and perhaps it's something that there is no answer to. Maybe in life there just mistakes as well. I don't know.

Point is that yesterday and today I took the time out of my crazy life to be grateful for all the beautiful and wonderful blessings and people in my life. You never know what can happen. Don't hold grudges. Forgive. You might get hit by a car or choke on a pickle, I don't know, but we need to be more grateful. I think gratitude is one of the most wonderful prayers you can say, and if all you say is "thank you" to someone every day, than you should be happy that you were able to be gracious in that moment. We are never to busy to be grateful, so I urge you that everyday, just stop for 5 seconds and give thanks to life for where you are now, for your family, for whatever you want. Just be grateful.