The Hardest Thing a Girl Must Do... *sigh*

Sunday, October 24, 2010 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 2:04 PM

I am happy to report that I did not pee my pants this weekend. At least not at the Haunted House.

So far today I have not been very productive. I don't know why I feel like I have to be productive as well on the weekends, but I do. I did wash the dishes so that is a plus, but now I am sitting here staring at the pile of clothes I need to fold. boo.

Saturday was much more productive as I started the laundry (which now sits before me) and I decided to try and get rid of old items. This is one of the hardest things women and girls everywhere face. Every year we look at our wardrobes, shoes, and bags and we must decide, which one of you are staying and which one of your are cut from the fashion and love lineup. I hate it. I pride myself in collecting the perfect shirts, shoes, handbags and to get rid of any of them is like cutting off a limb. Although, I need to be realistic because I have items and shoes that I have NEVER worn, and it's been like 5-7 years. There are even some items I bought that I thought I would make "cool" and that has never happened. Also, thanks to Daniela, I have to reconsider items that I know will make her laugh and pee her pants if she would see me wear them. I have a motto for this and it's called "WWDS: What Would Daniela Say." I have to think of this especially when I buy sandals because my long middle toe, AKA Darla, tends to get really excited and pop out of the sole of the shoe. Stupid Darla. Supposedly a lot of people from Juarez have a long middle toe because the Tarahumara have long middle toes so they can run fast and long distances. But I can do neither, so that is a lie. liars.

I started out with my purses and handbags. Dear Lord I love handbags. I realized that I buy the same type of style. I have 2 brown bags that are almost identical, and 2 black bags that are almost identical. Ridiculous. I also have the bags that every proud, self-loving Latina must have. They are the bags that are probably made from the shirts of women in Guatemala and woven by the indigenous communities of Chiapas. Otherwise known as our "Chicana" bags. I love them. I even have a giant Virgen de Guadalupe Straw handbag. I love it. My favorite ones are one that my BFF C-po got me in Peru and one that I bought when I had my store, Tonalli. I love them.

One big problem I encountered is that you can't get rid of any items that you have a sentimental attachment to. Unfortunately for me, I am sentimentally attached to everything I own. I think it is because when I was younger my family couldn't afford the super nice clothes that other kids wore, so my parents would give us hand me downs that my dad would get at work or find at work during his trash shifts. I didn't mind. My awesome mom always made us look like super stars. I had one Mickey Mouse shirt that had been torn in half, and my grandmother sewed up and for me it was as good as new. I think that it is for these reasons that I love my clothes and I pride myself on dressing well and in having the clothes that I want. In high school I couldn't afford Abercrombie and Fitch but I loved Polo and would find Polo stuff at Ross. I still love Ross. Sorry, I digress... the point is I LOVE MY STUFF!!

After almost 2 hours of deliberation on just my handbags ( I got rid of 5), I moved on to some of my clothes and shoes. Shoes I think are harder than the clothes, because I feel like if you get rid of one pair, you will regret it when you have the perfect outfit and then you realize that you donated the perfect shoes that would go with them. I sat there and after an hour of deliberation, I got rid of another 6 pairs of shoes. :( Mando wanted me to get rid of my Diesel shoes because I never wear them, but I can't because he bought those for me, and I am attached to them! :) Maybe in a few weeks I won't be but I can't seem to throw away anything he's bought me. Which in hindsight might be bad because I think these are the beginning characteristics of a baby packrat/hoarder. Hmm, I might have to reconsider those Diesel shoes.

At the end of the day, I got rid of two huge bags of items that I will take to our local Goodwill or thrift store, but my closet still looks huge. I am probably going to do this again next weekend. I hope that I can be better at saying goodbye then.

On another note: I hope to have good news tomorrow, but I am not sure. I have yet to hear back from that amazing 20 minute interview (boo) but we'll see what this week brings.

Enjoy this video of "Zapatos Viejos" by the amazing Gloria Trevi. She still reminds me of my sister.