Haunted House = Me peeing my pants

Friday, October 22, 2010 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:56 AM

Here's a fun fact about me. I secretly wish I could be a ghost hunter or a paranormal specialist. Anyone who loves me and knows me understands that this is a ridiculous passion of mine. I watch Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Destination Truth, and Paranormal University. I love it. It makes me scared, but I love it. I think it all started with the television show Unsolved Mysteries. I loved that show! Although I was scared when the alien episodes would come up because for some reason I thought they would know that I was watching a show about them and want to abduct me to teach me a lesson. But my grandma told me they didn't abduct Mexicans, only Americans. That made me feel slightly better but I worried that they would think I was American because I lived in the US. I am happy to report I have never been abducted. Not that I know of at least. ooy.

As much as I love paranormal stuff, I really hate Haunted Houses. I know, it's a bit stupid, but it's the truth. It's similar to me loving cream cheese but I hate cheesecake. Weird right? I agreed to go to a Haunted Corn Maze tonight but I thought it was just a corn maze that you had to find your way out and life would be fun and giggly. I was wrong. I didn't think it was also a haunted house. I just figured those two are a bad combination because who wants to be walking around in a stupid corn maze knowing that there is some-thing out there. I don't. I hate the way people scare you and I can't help but think that some disgruntled and messed up mental person is going to dress up as a character but have a real chain saw. That would suck. That is why I hate haunted houses.

I also hate them because I scream my head off and I always have to go the bathroom right before I enter or else I am afraid I will pee myself. I'm not going to say its happened before, but I'm not going to say it hasn't happened either. I just don't appreciate that type of a scare. And I feel bad for the poor bastard I punch in the face for scaring me. On top of that, my nerves are shot from the anxiety and I have a vivid and wild imagination and I start thinking of Mel Gibson's movie where the aliens are in the corn fields and he's chasing them and then BAM! He sees a leg in the dark walk into the corn maze! OOOYYYYY!!

So, we'll see how tonight goes. I'll probably pee my pants and get embarrassed but at least I went. Truth be told, I'd probably freak out if I were to do a real paranormal event, but I think I would love it! I keep wanting to do one but I have yet to find a cool one. I tried to do a haunted denver tour once and it was kinda wack. I want a psychic to come with me and tell me what they feel when we walk into a creepy old building. That would be awesome.

Anyways, wish me luck. I'll let you know if I peed my pants. At this point I have no shame, so it's possible.

Happy Friday!