Start Spreading the News…

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - Posted by Intellectual Elegance at 10:32 AM

I'll give you a hint and again, Maktub.

Thank you to everyone who offered a kind word, said a prayer, and sent out that positive energy for Mando and I. We felt the love from our family and our friends and we are eternally grateful to everyone who helped make this happen.
Thank you, gracias, guten tag, merci, thank you!
Armando has been offered the position at Urban Arts Partnership
and we will leave for NYC in less than 21 days.
We are scared, we are nervous, but we are so excited to start this adventure
and this next chapter of our lives.
This is just a true testament to the power of positive thinking and the power that preparation and opportunity have when they collide.
I will keep you informed in the next couple of days as to the madness that is about to ensue our lives, but I am thrilled and I am thankful that he has found his calling, passion and dream job. (Next to being my husband of course!) :)
Again, thank you for all the prayers and excitement.
it helped alot.